Monday, October 22, 2007

23 Things Assignment #6 Google Docs

Help me compile a list of film gems!

I collaborate on documents with a number of people both at TPL
and in other locations, so Google docs will be quite useful.

23 Things Assignment #5 Social Bookmarrking

I selected five sites and listed how many people have saved them:

Healia - health search engine - 300
Timeline of Art History (MMA) - 1233
NYPL Digital Library - 126
B.A.T. Mobile Time Line (Libraries) - 59
ALA Library Value - 14

When I searched del/ for "health," there were 390638 hits!

This will be a good way to organize my more important bookmarks and to
search for other topics.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

23 Things Asignment #4

Away last week and catching up...

I want to play around more with my photo, but for now it depicts

OLA President Larry Moore accepting an Oscar (Larry is a huge film fan).

I want to actually place Larry at the Awards ceremony with an Oscar on the podium.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

23 Things Assignment #3

In addition to Library Journal and a dog site, I have selected two health-related RSS feeds:
PubMed - professional medical publications
MedlinePlus - wealth of consumer health resources (articles, encyclopedias, drug info,
health news, etc.)